Cycling Route Details
This straightforward loop begins in Durrow, Co. Laois, and can be classed as a cycle of moderate difficulty. You depart Durrow, on the N77 Kilkenny Road, and after passing Knockatrina and Derry Woods, where a memorial to the history of Durrow Brick, can be found at the entrance to Derry Wood, take the first left hand turn, and immediately you will cycle over the River Nore, on what is known as Tallyho Bridge.
Continue on to Attanagh, which was once the home to Attanagh Railway Station, and the Durrow Brick & Tile Company. Attanagh Post Office is situated on the left hand side as you enter the village, and at the crossroads just beyond, bear right onto the L5837. Then take the first left which will bring you onto the R432, and to Ballyouskill Village.
After departing Ballyouskill, take the first left, which will bring you past Castlemarket Cemetery, and over the Ouveg River at Rosconnell Bridge. A short distance later you will arrive at Rosconnell Church on your right hand side. Here you will find the remains of the ancient parish Church of Rosconnell, and the ruins of a 13th century abbey, which was restored in 1646, but destroyed by Cromwell, just four years later.
Continue along the route until you come to Garraun Cross, where you turn right and immediately left, at this staggered junction. At the next T junction turn right, taking you through the townsland of Lisbigney on the L5737. Again you will arrive at a T-junction, turn left, continue on to Brandra Crossroads, where you continue straight, arriving a short distance later at the junction to the main N77 road, at Aylward’s Rural Heritage Museum. Turn left for Durrow!